The domination of smartphones over PCs in online gaming

Over the past few years, mobile gaming has become increasingly popular.

This is due to the increased power of mobile devices that has ramped up their capabilities. Larger screens and higher resolutions have made it possible to enjoy games that were only available on consoles a few years ago. 

No one can deny the massive influence smartphones have had on the online gaming landscape. In spite of the advancements in technology, which has led to improved console graphics, mobile gaming remains to be the way to game. Today, console-quality games like Harry Potter, Zelda Majora’s Mask, and Pokemon can be accessed on mobile. But why is smartphone gaming becoming more popular than consoles? Let us look at a few reasons why this is so.


One reason why mobiles are very popular is because they are accessible. Practically everybody has a smartphone today, so anyone can access a game on their device and start gaming immediately. Downloading and installing games is also quite painless, as it can be done in a few seconds. If you compare this to getting to the shop to purchase a game for your console, it becomes obvious that mobile gaming is the way to go. Whether you’re checking out a new online slots site or making a deposit, you can do it all with your mobile device


Mobiles are popular because they conform to the busy lifestyles of many people in today’s world. In addition, they are portable so games can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. Whether you are waiting for the bus or wish to make that stay in the toilet more fun, games such as Angry Birds will meet your needs. Even when you want to register or make your deposit, you can do it effortlessly wherever you are.

Free and cheap games

You can find a great range of downloadable games for your mobile. Most of these games are either free or very cheap compared to console games. You can easily pay for a game in the app store. However, most games available on Google Play are free versions. Moreover, transactions can be made in a hassle-free manner. In fact, some sites allow you to make payments through innovative deposit options such as phone bill.

Console-quality titles

Nowadays, popular titles released for consoles are also made for mobile. Releases such as PUBG Mobile have shown just how far the advancements in mobile gaming have come. Software developers are also working hard to make sure that players enjoy high quality console games on their smartphones. Although traditional gamers might argue that a mobile game can never match a console release, the coming up of mobile-friendly controllers could prove them wrong.

Ease of Use

Designed to be played on the go, mobile games are light but still fun. Most mobile games come with short levels that you can complete in a short time. You can also pause the game and resume later without worrying about losing your progress. This is because the game remains active in the background even if the device’s screen sleeps. Furthermore, many of these games come with easy to use controls that make playing even more exciting.

Console and PC games have commandeered the gaming arena for quite some time now. However, times are quickly changing, as people are looking for more freedom, accessibility, and portability. The Xbox Live PC and the Nintendo Switch are enough proof that the gaming on console market is gradually shifting to gaming on mobile. This shift will only make sense if we are able to enjoy our favourite games while on the move.

Smartphones and mobile devices in general are a crucial factor as far as the future is gaming is concerned. Although still a young industry, there will no doubt be more advances in technology in mobile gaming. We expect mobile devices to pack even more powerful processors, advanced graphics chips, and bigger RAM sizes. This will most definitely lead to greater access to high-quality games and an increased population of mobile gamers across the world.

The Executive
The Executive
Our exclusive Executive Adam Poest (or 'Ad' for short) knows how to get things done. He's a winner. You'll find his unique insights to the world of games and technology invaluable. So sit up, pay attention, and get your free dose of blue sky skills right now. You're welcome.



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