Everything You Need to Become A Twitch Stream Sensation

There is so much more to being an avid gaming fan these days, with players completing levels and finishing games as they always did or jumping into online arenas to compete against other players from around the globe.

However, perhaps the most interesting development in online gaming of late has been the rise of players also becoming broadcasters, brand ambassadors, and trendsetters in the online sphere and beyond, with some starting to reap the rewards from their online ventures.

This has largely come about because of the rise of the online streamer, who adds a bit of personality to the gaming mix.

So, if you are a bit of an extrovert, or just want to give wings to that alter ego you have been keeping cooped up all this time, then the tips below will set you on the path to becoming a streaming legend in your own right.

Settle on the Game you Connect with Best

The Game You Stream Dictates the Hardware and Software You Will Need 

Now you have chosen the game you wish to dedicate yourself to, make sure it is one that viewers will love watching you play live.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time to go about creating a streaming setup that can make your life as easy as possible. After all, it is no good having your PC all set up for battle royale games if you then turn around and start live-streaming hands of Texas Hold’em poker. 

For example, in the case of the latter, it’s crucial to have all the necessary hardware, such as a microphone, webcam, and in-game overlays that help make a stream look nice, enabling you to keep viewers entertained while there is a lull in the action on the virtual felt. Certainly, top streamers like Lex Veldhuis and Spraggy know the importance of having a poker streaming setup that’s on point.

Becoming a top gaming streamer is not easy, but get yourself the correct setup and everything else should fall into place

Pick a Comfy Chair and a Razor-Sharp Monitor, or Two

Of course, having a top of the range mic and camera to hand is great, but neither will be able to help with the crippling back pain you suffer if you spend too long sat in a battered old chair staring at a screen that is frying your retinas.

That is why getting an ergonomic gaming chair and top of the range monitors should be a priority.

For chairs, one of the best firms out there to hit up is Secretlab, whose Titan series includes a special gel memory foam neck rest that will have you feeling as though you just got a massage.

For monitors, it is once again vital you consider which game you want to specialize in before parting with your hard-earned cash, but the ones from Razer and Asus are hard to beat.

Build Your Online Brand and Learn from the Best

Once everything is set up and your graphics and streaming overlays are all on point, it will be time for you to start putting the hours in, providing content for your loyal troupe of followers.

To garner more attention, it pays to not only be good at the games you play but also to be entertaining and engaging for your viewers.

To see how the best in the game already do this, it can be worth checking out the likes of Ninja or DrDisrespect.

Become a Streaming or Esports God

With your stream attracting attention for all the right reasons, it is time to then start branching out into other social media platforms, to grow your brand, and transcend gaming to become a superstar. All you need is a chair, a mic, a screen, a personality, and some fast fingers. With a little bit of persistence and determination, you can become quite a popular streamer within a few days or weeks. The most important thing is to never give up on your dream.

Jim Devereaux
Jim Devereaux
Editor-In-Chief. Has contributed gaming articles to a variety of publications and produced the award-winning TV show Bored Gamers (Amazon Prime). He loves racing games, classic LucasArts adventures and building new PC gaming rigs whenever he can afford it.
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