FixFox Preview

Fix anything with… anything!

Do you ever get fed up with this world and want to move to pastures new? Depart this Earth and enter a universe where your jet bike has a face and a mind of its own, wandering off when it gets a bit boring. 

A world where you can repair sexually frustrated electrical appliances with doughnuts and cookies (a bit like humans then?). A world where humans take on animal genetics, first for fashion, then for survival? 

FixFox gameplay

If you answered yes to all the above, then FixFox, the adorable, upcoming 2D puzzle exploration Fix-em-up has the answer to all your problems. 

To planet Karamel… AND BEYOND!

FixFox first showed its trailer three months ago and the bold, orange-hued style really appealed to me. The game looked not only aesthetically gorgeous but appeared to offer charming, relaxing gameplay to boot. And boy, does it! 

The gameplay loop of FixFox is, unsurprisingly, fixing items in order to be paid with items. You then use these items to fix more items, and you get paid in more items. Which are then, in turn, used to fix more items. 

FixFox gameplay

Okay, so that sounds a little repetitive. And it would be, if the protagonist Vix and the sci-fi world he inhabits wasn’t so goddamn, gorgeously cute. 

Much like Horizon: Zero Dawn, everything about FixFox fits together so organically. Not just the world, but the story, characters, art style, gameplay, making this game much greater than the sum of its parts. 

The perfect antidote

In a game chock full of high-budget yet vacuous XP-grind nightmares, FixFox is exactly what we all need right now. 

Distraction, fantasy, cosiness and animal-based fun, personified.

The visuals are chunky. The gameplay is chilled-as-hell. The musical score is just a lazily strummed banjo, for god’s sake! How can this game get any more pleasantly anti-AAA? 

And for all these reasons, we should all give FixFox a go when it is released at the end of the month.

FixFox is released on Steam for PC, Xbox Series S/X, PS4, PS5 on March 31st

Tristan Ovington
Tristan Ovington
Tristan enjoys narrative-heavy games and anything that's weird and indie is good too. Looking to the future, he hopes to one day design his own board game as the central pillar of his astoundingly unimpressive legacy.
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